
Fat reshaping of the face, also known as fat transfer or autologous fat transfer, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating facial features by using the patient's fat to fill wrinkles, restore volume, and enhance facial contours. This procedure offers a natural and safe alternative for facial rejuvenation, utilizing fat harvested from areas such as the abdomen or thighs.


Fat reshaping of the face involves harvesting fat from one part of the body through liposuction, processing it to remove excess fluids, and then injecting it into targeted areas of the face to improve volume and contour. The procedure aims to address wrinkles, sunken cheeks, and other facial imperfections by restoring natural fullness to the patient's tissue.


During the consultation, the physician evaluates the patient's facial concerns, overall health, and suitability for fat reshaping. Detailed discussions cover treatment goals, expected outcomes, potential risks, and the number of sessions required. This session allows the patient to understand the procedure fully and address any questions or concerns.


  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to both the donor site (where fat is harvested) and the treatment area on the face.
  • Fat Harvesting: Using a small needle attached to a syringe, fat is gently suctioned from a donor area where fat is densely packed, such as the abdomen or thighs.
  • Processing: The harvested fat is processed to purify it and remove excess fluids, preparing it for injection.
  • Injection: Purified fat is carefully injected into specific areas of the face using fine needles, placed just beneath the skin to fill wrinkles, add volume to cheeks, or enhance facial contours.
  • Repeat Sessions: Depending on the desired results, multiple treatment sessions may be recommended over several months to achieve optimal correction and longevity.

After Surgery

  • Recovery: Patients can expect mild swelling and discomfort, manageable with prescribed medications. Bruising may also occur but fades over time.
  • Long-term Results: Significant improvement in facial volume and contour is visible, with final results becoming apparent as the injected fat settles and integrates with surrounding tissues.
  • Maintenance: To maintain results, additional sessions may be recommended, typically spaced over six months, ensuring sustained facial rejuvenation.


  • Fat reshaping of the face offers natural-looking results by using the patient's fat tissue.
  • Enhanced facial contours, reduced wrinkles, and restored volume contribute to a more youthful appearance.
  • Patients experience improved self-confidence and satisfaction with their facial rejuvenation outcomes.


Potential complications include:
  • Swelling and Bruising: Common after fat injection, typically resolving within a few days.
  • Fat Absorption:Approximately 65% of the injected fat may be absorbed by the body over the first few months; however, the remaining 35% usually provides long-lasting results.
  • Uneven Results: Careful technique and follow-up treatments can minimize unevenness or asymmetry.

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