
Excessively large female breasts can cause significant pain, physical impairment, and psychological issues. They limit athletic activities, lead to chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders due to posture changes, and cause indentations from bra straps. Large breasts can also lead to skin infections and are often seen as cosmetically undesirable. Tumescent liposuction using microcannulas offers significant breast reduction and a moderate breast lift with minimal postoperative pain, rapid recovery, and virtually no scarring.


Liposuction of the female breast reduces the breast size by more than 50%, lifting them due to the reduced weight and natural elasticity of the breast tissue. The procedure involves minimal scarring due to the use of microcannulas and small incisions. Tumescent liposuction spares glandular tissue, preserving the ability to breastfeed and maintaining normal mammogram results post-surgery.


During the consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient's breast composition, determine the proportion of fat and glandular tissue via mammogram, and discuss realistic expectations. Ideal candidates for this procedure are postmenopausal women or younger women with significant fatty breast tissue.


  • Preparation:Use indelible ink to draw surgical guidelines on the breasts.
  • Anesthesia: Inject local anesthesia using a small needle.
  • Incisions: Create 1 mm diameter adits with a skin biopsy punch.
  • Anesthesia Infiltration: Infiltrate tumescent local anesthesia into the breasts.
  • Liposuction: Use microcannulas (1.5 mm to 2.7 mm diameter) to remove fat.
  • Post-Surgery Care: Place absorbent pads on the breasts and secure them with an elastic crepe adhesive tape. Use breast compression garments to hold the pads in place and minimize swelling and bruising.

After Surgery

    Postoperative care involves wearing adjustable compression garments to minimize bleeding and bruising. Intense compression is necessary for the first 12-18 hours, followed by moderate compression for 48 hours. Once drainage ceases, compression is adjusted for comfort and support.


    Patients can expect a significant reduction in breast size (up to 55%) and elevation, with minimal scarring. Post-surgery, mammograms typically appear normal, and breastfeeding is usually possible. While results vary, realistic expectations are essential, and not all patients may achieve "perky" breasts. Optimal outcomes depend on the proportion of fat in the breast and the individual's response to the procedure.


    While complications are minimal with tumescent liposuction, potential issues include excessive bruising, temporary breast lumpiness, and rare cases of pneumothorax. Traditional surgical-excision methods pose risks of keloids, uneven breast size, impaired nipple sensation, nipple necrosis, bleeding, seromas, fat necrosis, and significant scarring.

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