
Liposuction of the male breast is designed to improve the patient's physical appearance by removing as much fat as possible while avoiding damage to the skin or muscles. It is one of the four most commonly treated areas in men, alongside the abdomen, flanks, and chin/cheek/jowls. Tumescent liposuction is particularly effective for male patients with excessive fat in their breasts, providing significant improvement.


Liposuction of the male breast involves the removal of excess fat tissue to treat pseudo-gynecomastia. True gynecomastia, characterized by dense glandular tissue, may require a combination of liposuction and surgical excision. The procedure can significantly enhance the chest contour and is typically performed under local anesthesia.


During the consultation, Dr. Chaudhari evaluates the patient's breast tissue to distinguish between fat and glandular tissue, using assessments such as mammograms if necessary. He discusses the patient's medical history, and the potential causes of gynecomastia, and outlines the procedure, including the benefits and risks.


  • Preparation: The chest area is marked and cleansed. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area.
  • Tumescent Anesthesia: A large volume of tumescent local anesthesia is injected into the breasts to reduce the resistance of glandular tissue and minimize discomfort.
  • Incisions: Small incisions (adits) of about 1.5 mm are made in the skin.
  • Liposuction Technique: A micro cannula is used to suction out excess fat. The cannula's small diameter (16 gauge, 14 gauge, or 12 gauge) allows for precise fat removal and minimizes trauma to the tissue.
  • Glandular Tissue Removal: If necessary, dense glandular tissue is excised with a scalpel, followed by closure with stitches.

After Surgery

  • Drainage: Post-surgery, adits remain open to allow drainage of blood-tinged anesthetic solution, absorbed by pads.
  • Recovery: Patients experience mild discomfort managed by medications and should follow postoperative care instructions for optimal healing.


  • Improvement: Patients can expect significant improvement in chest contour. While a 50% improvement is considered realistic, many achieve more. Written estimates of expected improvement help set realistic expectations.
  • Satisfaction: Potential causes of dissatisfaction include insufficient tissue removal, excessive scarring, asymmetry, and skin irregularities. Using microcannulas minimizes these risks and helps achieve satisfactory results.


Potential complications include:
  • Bruising and Swelling: Common and typically resolve within a few weeks.
  • Infection: Managed with antibiotics.
  • Scarring: Can occur with excision but is minimized with proper technique.
  • Asymmetry: Uneven fat removal can lead to asymmetry, addressed through careful surgical technique and possible touch-ups.

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